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Funding the Mission : October 2022 Update

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

We are two weeks away from the launch of the new and improved Funding the Mission website, version 3.0, which will be available for all users on Monday, November 7! We hope this new site will continue to serve your church and district with excellence.

In our efforts to inform all users of the upcoming change, we want to share some more tips on how to use Funding the Mission 3.0 before its launch.

  • FTM 3.0 will include dual authentication for each user. This means the first time you log in, the site will want to confirm your identity by emailing you a code. Once that code is entered and the process is completed, the user will be able to enter the site. If you are currently logging into FTM with someone else’s Nazarene Account, contact to set up a user account under your own name.

  • All of the important financial detail information you need, such as your church’s income and World Evangelism, Pensions and Benefits, district, and educational goal summaries, will be conveniently located on the home screen.

  • If your local church prefers to send a gift by paper check, you will be able to print a remittance form to send with your check by clicking on the button “Mail GTS Contribution” on the “Contributions” page.

Attention: Although your email address to enter the site will remain the same, each user will need to reset their password the first time they log in to Funding the Mission 3.0.

We will keep you informed as the day of the launch grows closer. May God bless you in your work as you continue to serve Christ and His Church!

Stewardship Development

Church of the Nazarene

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