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Pastors Zone Huddles

are designed for pastors, ministers

and key leaders from local churches.​​​​

What is a zone huddle?

Is a time of fellowship, training, prayer, sharing & encouragement. It is that time of the year when we have the opportunity to meet with Dr. Fuller, our District Superintendent, to talk about all the exciting things that are happening on our Virginia District.​

Why are Zone Pastor Huddles so important to attend? 

  1. Fellowship:   True fellowship involves getting together for Christ’s purposes: for sharing needs, prayer, discussing and sharing the Word, to encourage, and to comfort one another.  From the very beginning, Christians knew they needed each other for survival. In this often upside down world, so do we!

  2. Training:  You will receive a plethora of info about each area of ministry on the district and be in the know of upcoming events. 
    Train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come (1 Timothy 4:8).

  3. Prayer:  Prayer is a loving communication with God.  It is a time to express our faith and trust in God, to confess our sins, to be thankful, to praise Him for all he has done, for our personal lives and our churches.

  4. Sharing:  Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).  God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them (Hebrews 6:10).

  5. Encouragement:  Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Who is invited?

Lead Pastors, Senior Pastors, all support Pastors, and Church Leaders are invited, along with their spouses. We are one district with pastors that speak at least 4 languages. We build team spirit when EVERY pastor is present.


Attendance Expectation

While we absolutely expect every pastor to attend the District Assembly and the Ministry Team Retreat, we make the Zone Pastors Huddles available to the pastors for their benefit. We hope all will attend.


Which huddle should I attend?

You can attend any of these huddles. Attend the meeting/location/time that is more convenient for you. 

Do I need to RSVP?

Yes, please contact the Zone Host to let them know you will be attending.

Why?  Packets are made for each Pastor (spouse) attending.  We want to make sure we have enough information to give to each one of you.  We also need to know because we will be enjoying each other’s fellowship while sharing a meal together!

Locations & Point of Contact (POC)​​

Peninsula and Tidewater Zones
January 20, 2025 (6 PM - 8 PM)
Host:  Camelot Shuff
Location:  Newport News COTN

Colonial Zone
January 21, 2025 (6 PM - 8 PM)
Host: Mark Smith & Jeffrey Hernandez
Location: Connecting Pointe COTN

Battlefield and Capital Zones
January 22, 2025 (11:45 AM - 1:45 PM)
Host: Pamm Fontana
Location: Woodbridge COTN

Valley Zone
January 24, 2025 (12 PM - 2 PM)
Host: Kevin Griffin
Location: Harrisonburg COTN

Southern Zone
January 27, 2025 (6 PM - 8 PM)
Host:  Lee Schnelle    
Location: Abingdon COTN

Blue Ridge Zone
January 28, 2025 (5:30 PM - 7:30 PM)
Host:  Shannon Harris & Caleb Kriner
Location: East Gate COTN

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