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Preparing the Virginia Nazarene Retreat Center to be an exceptional place for ministry...

Updated: May 26, 2021

Dear Friend of the Virginia Nazarene Camp: The summer has passed and now we are enjoying a beautiful fall season. We all have missed being together on our great camp grounds. We always look forward to the spiritual blessings, the fellowship, the fun and laughter and many other activities. As you are aware COVID-19 has kept us apart. You will be delighted to know that our camp manager, Mark Hardy has continued to work hard during this time keeping our camp grounds and facilities updated. Also, huge thanks to the many dedicated laypeople who have given and continue to give their time and energy working along with Mark on many needed projects. We have been blessed by your faithfulness and generosity of giving. Because of your dedication we have been able to meet one or more of our annual goals over the past several years. NOW – A new GOAL of $35,000 has been set for THIS YEAR We are looking and planning for the future and really do need YOUR help. In the enclosed flyer you will find a list of recreational items that are much needed for all ages and will help not only OUR camps but also assist in marketing our camp to other groups throughout the year. There are several ways that you can assist us with these items. You may like to donate one or more. However, ANY gift that you can send would go a long ways to enhance our Retreat Center.

The following are ways that you can give to help us REACH our goal of $35,000. We would like to receive these gifts before the end of the fiscal year which closes March 31, 2021. 1. Please make check payable to Virginia Nazarene Retreat Center and place in memo : donation to VNRC Mail to 5906 Harbour Park Dr., Midlothian, VA 23112 2. Donate Online at: and click on “Friends of the Virginia Nazarene Camp”

3. VNC Endowment Fund: Please mail a check to the District Office (5906 Harbour Park Dr., Midlothian, VA 23112 with Endowment Fund in memo. Or Contact Dr. Phil Fuller (District Superintendent) at for additional information.

Thank you for your continued prayers, your love, devotion and SUPPORT to our Retreat Center. Because of your generosity we are looking forward to meeting again in 2021 to enjoy these new projects.

We love and appreciate each of you.

God Bless,

George Stevenson

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