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DCPI Training | May 1-3, 2023

Location: Virginia Beach First Church of the Nazarene

4413 Wishart Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23455, USA

Time: 9am - 5pm

Course: Church Planting Churches

Cost: $45 (includes lunch and snacks for all 3 days and all training materials)

Check payable to: VA District Church of the Nazarene

Registration: Register Online Now

District Church Plant Training Coordinator:

Reggie Phillips | 804-677-8748 | This is a good time for pastors who feel like they have lost much this year to plan for how to restart and grow during the next year.


Training Track Offered

This is a parenting course on how to be a good mother church. It covers why a mother church is essential to the planting process, how to identify, train, and equip a church plant leader, and even how to birth a church that can stand on its own two feet after launch. If you feel called to give birth to a church plant from your local church this track is essential to having a healthy live birth.


Visit the VA District DCPI Page ( for more detailed information.

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